Stormwater Management Plan
Since 2003, MU, the City of Columbia, and Boone County have implemented a variety of programs and initiatives to address water quality impacts because of stormwater runoff. The three entities are co-permittees for the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permit issued by the Missouri Department of Natural Resources and regulated by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
General information on MU’s program is at
As of 2025, the co-permittees are implementing a revised Stormwater Management Plan. This plan will describe the programs, practices, and goals for addressing stormwater runoff and how it affects the environment. This plan is being revised to satisfy new requirements from regulatory agencies.
The co-permittees will hold an Interested Parties meeting for public comment on February 13, 2025, at City Hall to discuss the five-year Stormwater Management Plan, as required by our permit.
The Stormwater Management Plan describes the approach for reducing pollutants in stormwater runoff through the following measures:
• Public education and outreach.
• Public involvement and participation.
• Illicit discharge detection and elimination.
• Construction site stormwater runoff controls.
• Post-construction stormwater management in new development and redevelopment.
• Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping for Municipal Operations.
You can read the plan here,