EHS Assist Tutorials

During February 2022, the host location of EHS online training moved from OneCanvas to HSI, a Learning Management System provided by the creator of our interactive training courses. To meet security requirements, access to courses will only be available through EHS Assistant, not direct from the training course descriptions on the EHS website. It is therefore vital that Permitted Individuals keep worker rosters up-to-date so the proper training is assigned to each person. Workers will not be able to access hazard-specific training if not associated with your permit.

To ensure that workers can access training we encourage Permitted Individuals (PIs) to perform the following tasks:

  • Verify associated permit workers are correct in EHS Assistant (a tutorial can be found below)
  • Instruct associated permit workers to log into EHS Assistant to verify login rights.  Please contact EHS if your login rights aren't working.

EHS Assist is an interface through which users may request services from EHS and track information related to use of chemical, biological or radioactive materials.

The following tutorials have been developed to demonstrate many of the common tasks EHS Assist users will perform within the program.  If you have any questions or need any assistance with the program please contact EHS via the phone number or email listed at the bottom of every page.
