Hazardous Frequently-Asked Questions

What and where is the Resource Recovery Complex (RRC)?
The RRC includes the Hazardous Waste Management Area (HWMA), the Radiation Waste Building, the Universal Waste Building, the Incinerator, and the Chemical Redistribution Building. At this location, Permitted Individuals  as well and their trained laboratory staff may acquire free chemicals, containers for the collection of unwanted materials, and other EHS-provided supplies. The RRC is located south of the Animal Sciences Center at 1110 East Campus Loop. The location is shown on campus maps, including those provided in campus and city telephone directories. Also see Getting to EHS. Hours of operation are 8:00 to 4:30, Monday through Friday. The RRC is not open over lunch (12:00 to 1:00) Direct phone numbers are: (573) 882-3736 (office) and (573) 884-5270 (FAX).

Will EHS take my unwanted hazardous materials from home?
No. The RRC only manages hazardous materials generated by MU operations. The City of Columbia operates a Household Hazardous Waste program for the purpose of collecting unwanted hazardous materials from local residents. It is located at 1313 Lakeview Avenue, and is open from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. on the first and third Saturdays of each month, April through November. For additional information, telephone (573) 874-6280.

How do I submit a Waste Request?
To submit a Waste Request please login to EHS Assistant.  Tutorials for the creating a Waste Request can be found on the EHS Assist Tutorials page.

How long will it take for EHS to pick up my hazardous materials after submitting a Waste Request using EHS Assistant?
Hazardous Material Services procedures specifies that a pickup will be scheduled within two weeks of receipt and approval by EHS, but pickups typically occur within one week. However, requests involving reactives (e.g., explosives), agrochemicals, unknowns, and large quantities of chemicals (e.g., laboratory clean outs), may be delayed until special handling and/or disposal arrangements can be made. Improperly completed Waste Requests may also delay scheduling. Permitted Individuals are encouraged to contact EHS prior to submission of the Waste Request when specific scheduling needs must be addressed.

Where can I find a Hazardous Waste Labels (HWLs)? Empty containers?
EHS Assistant can also be used to request delivery of supplies such as HWLs and empty containers. Click on the + to add a supply request.

Even though EHS is not required to provide empty containers for collecting unwanted hazardous materials, the staff at the RRC tries to keep a supply on hand. Requests can be made by calling, emailing, or clicking the blue "Order Replacement Containers & Labels" button in the top section of a Waste Pickup Request. Permitted Individuals are encouraged to utilize containers left after original contents are consumed for the purpose of collecting used materials with similar hazards/chemical characteristics.

In selected locations on campus (including Chemistry, Tucker Hall, Connaway Hall, Veterinary Medical Diagnostics Laboratory, Medical Science Building, etc.), EHS has stocked supplies, including biohazard boxes and bags, bottles, and labels for easy accessibility to building occupants.

What can I do with extra glass and/or plastic bottles generated in our laboratory operations that I want to recycle?
Staffing and scheduling parameters do not allow for EHS to pick up non-regulated, empty glass or plastic containers from laboratory locations. However, laboratory staff may deliver the unwanted containers to the RRC.

Plastic and glass bottles are containerized intact and placed in recycling dumpster. When sufficient quantities have been collected, they are transported to a local recycling facility (EHS recycles over 3 tons of plastic and glass each year).

Once all container labels have been defaced, these items can also be taken directly to recycling bins located on campus, at area grocery stores, or to Civic Recycling (3300 Brown Station Road). Regardless of where you take your glass, DO NOT include borosilicate glass (e.g. Pyrex, Kimax). Borosilicate glass is unacceptable for recycling through local outlets. This type of glass should be discarded in the normal trash, following procedures established in each building by custodial staff.

Radiation Frequently-Asked Questions