Laboratory Safety
Laboratory Safety staff seek to promote a safety culture in which students, faculty, and staff feel empowered at all levels to make safety the overriding priority. This goal is accomplished by shifting the overall norms, beliefs, roles, and practices for handling hazards and risks in laboratories.
Improving campus safety culture is in accord with Mizzou's core values: Respect for the safety not only of one's self, but others; Responsibility to act morally, and consider the context and consequences of acting unsafely; recognizing that Discovery involves uncertainty, and must be approached cautiously with a strong community of support; and understanding that Excellence in safety is achieved only through individual and collective pursuit of the highest standards for moral and ethical behavior.
Laboratory Safety staff work closely with faculty led committees to develop and review campus policies and issues related to laboratory safety. In addition they perform safety audits to gather information which may be used to measure progress at achieving this goal. Laboratory Safety staff seek to develop strong personal relationships with faculty, students, and staff that reflect our desire to protect their well-being, while providing them the tools to excel in their work.
As safety is our number one priority at MU, if you have specific behavioral or physical concerns you would like to share regarding your assigned laboratory space(s), we ask that you complete the Health and Safety Concerns compliance tool to alert campus of these concerns.