Permitted Individual Information

The Environmental Health & Safety (EHS) website has a lot of information about safety programs and policies and general information for everyone at the University of Missouri (MU).

EHS Assistant (EHS 4.0 or EHSA) is and interface the PIs use to request EHS services, track training, follow up on inspections, update, hazard communication signs, and request supplies.  Please click here to login to EHSA.

For PIs at MU, there are numerous expectations with respect to EHS depending on the type of research being conducted.  Responsibilities can be divided into three distinct time periods also:

  1. A new PI coming to MU: What is needed before you arrive?
  2. An existing PI:  What is expected during your time at MU?
  3. A PI who is leaving MU:  Before retiring or leaving the University, what is expected of the PI?


If you are a new PI coming to MU

If you are a new Principal Investigator, the steps below must be completed before you begin working in your lab.

  • Register as a Permitted Individual with EHS using the Permitted Individual Application Form.
  • Submit the form to and EHS will add you as a PI in EHSA 4.0, or you can send through the University mail to PI Program Administrator, EHS - Resource Recovery Center, 1710 East Campus Loop.
  • There are online tutorials for using EHSA that can be found on the EHSA tutorials page.
  • EHS will assign permit numbers.  Permits are based on the type of work to be performed and include Biological, Chemical, and Radiological (RAM).
  • After you have been enrolled as a PI in EHSA 4.0 and have permits assigned:
    • If you have a Ram permit, you will be contacted by Radiation Safety
    • Login to EHSA and identify your lab number associated with each permit
    • Login to EHSA and identify all lab workers associated with each permit.  Attaching lab workers to the permit will identify training for each lab worker.  It is important to select the Worker Function. The Worker Function will define the training requirements.
  • Bio training includes EHS201 and EHS202 (initial and every 3 years), EHS220 Bloodborne Pathogen (initial and yearly), EHS230 Biosafety Cabinet Safety, and EHS240 Recombinant and/or Synthetic Nucleic Acid Molecules (rsNA).
  • General lab safety training includes EHS301-305 (initial and every 3 years)
  • Workers can only register for EHS training on EHS Assistant.  Therefore it is important for PIs to keep worker rosters current.
  • If you will be relocating or installing a biosafety cabinet, please contact the Biosafety Office in EHS for assistance.  Annual certification of biosafety cabinets is required and is the responsibility of the PI.
  • Work involving the use of recombinant DNA, or classified as BSL2 or BSL3 must have a protocol reviewed and approved by the Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC).  Please visit the IBC webpage for additional information.
    • NOTE: Biological Permits are associated with a specific IBC protocol.  If you have multiple IBC protocols, you will have multiple Biological Permits.  This is because risk assessments are performed on each IBC protocol application and training is assigned based on this risk assessment.  Your Work Function for each permit in EHS Assistant is actually what drives your training curriculum.
  • Work involving animals may require a protocol development and approval through the Animal Care and Use Committee (ACUC). Please visit the ACUC webpage for additional information.
  • EHS has a chemical redistribution program.  Once you are registered as a PI in EHSA, you will have access to chemicals and supplies in inventory.  Please visit the chemical redistribution program webpage for additional information.
  • If you will be generating waste, you can order supplies (containers and labels) through the EHSA Waste Supplies Request.  Please see the Waste Supply Request tutorial page that demonstrates the process.
  • Waste pickups are scheduled through EHSA using the Waste Pickup Request.  From the time you start accumulating waste in a container, you have 6 months to have it removed from the lab.


If you are a existing PI at MU

Existing PIs will have access to EHSA and permit for their activities.  PIs are ultimately responsible for the safety of their workers and workspace.  Following these actions will help keep your workers operating safely.

  • Maintain the worker roster in EHSA
  • Monitor worker training periodically
  • Provide laboratory specific training for highly hazardous chemicals or processes
  • Complete hazard analyses as needed to ensure hazards are identified and controlled
  • Report any incidents or near misses in the lab.
  • Assure proper personal protective equipment is used when needed based on the hazards present
  • Properly manage laboratory wastes
  • EHS will conduct routine laboratory inspections. Inspection notices will be emailed to the PI identifying noted violations
    • After identifying corrective action, PI should login to EHSA and document actions taken to correct the violation. Response should be within 2 weeks
      • PI can delegate authority to a lab manager, research assistant, or other lab member

If you are moving from one lab to another on campus, it is important to keep EHSA current.

  • Update your EHS permits with your new lab locations
  • Generate and post the hazard communication sigh for the new lab
  • Update IBC and ACUC protocols with your new lab locations
  • Update worker roster
  • When vacating a lab, complete the laboratory closeout process


If you are PI who is leaving MU

If you are leaving the University, it is important that your lab space is properly closed out and left in good shape for the next PI who will occupy the space.  EHS has developed a laboratory closeout procedure to make sure unwanted chemicals are properly managed and that possible contamination has been addressed.  Please contact EHS as early as possible and we will  work with you through the process.