Biological Programs

Biohazardous Material Shipping

Use the below Notification to EHS Biosafety Shipment form, complete, and e-mail to the Biosafety section for all shipments of biological materials.


Useful Documents for Shipping


General MU Biohazardous Shipping Policies

If you wish to transfer biohazardous materials from your laboratory to another building, regardless of whether on or off campus, contact the EHS DOT Shipping Coordinator (882-7018).

According to Section 7:040 of the Business Policy and Procedures Manual, all persons wishing to ship potentially hazardous materials off campus are required to contact EHS to determine if the material is subject to DOT hazardous materials shipping regulations. If DOT regulations are found to apply, then EHS will determine the proper packaging, marking, and labeling requirements. EHS also prepares and provides the required DOT documentation.

Transfers using MU vehicles may also be subject to DOT regulation. MU strongly recommends that private vehicles not be used for transferring biohazardous materials between buildings.


Biohazardous Material Transportation

Controls on biohazardous material transportation are aimed at ensuring public and workers are protected from exposure to any infectious material. Control is maintained through rigorous packaging, appropriate labeling to alert transportation workers, documentation on biohazardous contents, emergency contact information, and worker training in the transportation chain.

Regulations include, but are not limited to:


Biohazardous Material Transfer

Requirements on the transfer of biohazardous materials are aimed at ensuring the change of possession is within the best interest of the public and nation. Controls require documentation on personnel, facilities, and justification of need for the transfer process with approval by the federal authority. Regulations include, but are not limited to:

Contact the EHS Biosafety Professional (882-7018) if you wish to transfer biohazardous materials to another facility.