Chemical Redistribution Program
Environmental Health & Safety operates a Chemical Redistribution Program (Chemical Exchange) as part of the overall MU Hazardous Material Services program. The objective is to collect chemicals from those who have no use for them and redistribute them to those who need them. A link appears below for EHS Assistant, which contains the current inventory of items available.
A map to the Resource Recovery Center may be found at the bottom of this page. You will need to go there to pick up the chemicals you want.
These chemicals are available at no charge to MU faculty, staff, and students whose chemical training is current, and they are for University use only.
To obtain additional information on the Chemical Redistribution Program or confirm your enrollment status, contact Environmental Health & Safety at or call us at (573) 882-7018.
Hours of Operation
8:00 AM - 12:00 PM and 1:00 - 4:00 PM Monday through Friday
Chemicals Available
You can view the list of available chemicals and equipment by logging in to EHS Assistant.
Important Notice: You will need your PawPrint (the part of your email address before the "@") and PawPrint Password (the one used to access email and all official MU systems) to login to EHS Assistant.
Once logged in, from the home screen, click the Inventory button () and choose "Chemical Inventory" from the Chemical Inventory Menu. This takes you to your (or your PI's) Inventory; to view our free chemicals, click the "Request from Chemical" button (
) in the upper right.
A table will pop up, and you'll need to put in at least 3 (consecutive) letters of the chemical name you're searching for into the "Search Chemical Description" box. EHSA will then respond with all the chemicals whose names contain those letters. It will also return all the chemicals with synonyms that contain those letters, so you'll probably want to filter the results further; choose the filter() for the value in the column you want to restrict further. The default order for the table is (loosely) oldest first; clicking in the header box for a column with sort the table by that value. If you want to reserve a particular item, click on the blue arrows (
) in the leftmost column, and fill out the order form that pops up.
Equipment Available
It is not practical to browse our equipment collection with our search function as it is; you'll have to come by in person to see our collection of bottles/flasks/pipets/test tubes/funnels and whatever other laboratory equipment we've picked up from labs on campus.
Opened Container Policy
Because MU has dedicated such a large space to redistributing chemicals, we can afford to store containers that have been opened. Most of our chemicals on the "general" shelves (start with G) have been opened/lack their original seal; we have started marking exceptions recently in the comments ("unopened"). Some of our storage areas are restricted in size; in these areas (reactive chemicals, shelf R0001; refrigerated chemicals, start with REF; biological media, start with M) all containers have the original manufacturer's seal.
Updates on Social Media
For updates, follow us on Facebook!
We also have a Twitter account. @EHSChemicals
We just joined Instagram in May of 2023.
Get directions to or view Resource Recovery Center in a larger map