Permit Application Review and Approval Policies

Use of RAM on the MU Campus (other than at the MU Research Reactor) is allowed only under RAM permits approved by the MU Radiation Safety Committee (RSC). Control of the use of RAM is established by MU’s NRC License, State Registrations, and by local, State and Federal regulations.

A RAM permit is issued for no more than a three year period. A renewal application is required to extend the RAM permit. The Permitted Individual (PI) is allowed to continue work if the renewal application has been accepted by the Radiation Safety Staff (RSS). In this scenario, "accepted" means that the RSS has received a final draft of the renewal application on or before the permit expiration date. The acceptance of the renewal by the RSS allows the PI to remain in good standing with the RSC and the Radiation Safety Program (RSP) while the application is reviewed. If the PI fails to meet this requirement, the Radiation Safety Officer (RSO) has the authority to temporarily inactivate the ram permit as well as implement other corrective actions.

The RSC meets periodically to review applications that require full committee review. If a PI is submitting an application that needs to be reviewed by the full committee, they should submit at least six weeks prior to the meeting to allow time for all stages of the review process. All applications that require full committee review must first be reviewed by the assigned Health Physicist, RSO, and RSC Reviewer (RSCR).

Once submitted, permit amendment applications are classified as administrative, minor or major based on teh requested action. The required application paperwork can be found on the RAM Permit Applications page. Contact your assigned Health Physicist if you have any questions. 


  • Request: Request of change by PI, Administrator, or RSO
  • Review/Approval Chain: HP (as needed), RSO
  • Change: RSS records updated; updated RAM permit may be issued at that time or at the next amendment; RSC is updated at next meeting.
  • Types: Name; degree; job title; department (without change in authorized administrative reporting); office address; telephone numbers; e-mail address; type of instrument used; change in RW’s approved to work under authorization; change in order amount limit up to possession limit; reduction or removal of radionuclide possession limit; use area inactivation or closeout; inactivation or reactivation of authorization; authorization termination; inactive renewal; addition or removal of Co-AU (medical only); change in Primary User in existing co-authorization; addition of radionuclides co-produced during irradiation that do not pose an increased health and safety risk or waste management issues.



  • Request: Application submitted by PI.
  • Review/Approval Chain: HP, RSO, RSCR.
  • Change: Amendment issued and RSC is updated at next meeting.
  • Types: Use area addition; minor change in plan for investigation and authorization-specific radiation safety procedures; minor change in radioactive material use rate and waste disposal; minor change of special conditions; renewal application; reduction or removal of radionuclides; change of use area; addition of radionuclide which is the same or a lower hazard class than currently approved. 



  • Request: Application submitted by PI; interim approval may be requested.
  • Review/Approval Chain: HP, RSO, RSCR, RSC.
  • Change: Interim amendment issued following approval by RSCR (if requested) and final amendment issued following approval by RSC.
  • Types: Increase in possession limit or type of radionuclide which is not a higher hazard class or inspection class; new PI/AU (interim approval issued for less than or equal to 1 mCi per radionuclide); renewal with radionuclide increase or addition.



  • Request: Application submitted by PI.
  • Review/Approval: HP, RSO, RSCR, RSC.
  • Change: Amendment issued only following approval by RSC. 
  • Types: Increase in possession limit or type of radionuclide which is a higher hazard class or inspection class; major change in plan for investigation and permit-specific radiation safety procedures; major change in radioactive material use rate and waste disposal; major change of special conditions (e.g., modification of restricted area); new medical AU or AU requesting additional 10 CFR 35 medical uses; renewal with major changes; addition of Authorized Medical Physicist.


Page last updated on June 13, 2024.