Posting and Labeling RAM Labs 


Areas where access is controlled for purposes of radiation protection are designated as RESTRICTED AREAS.  

Restricted areas must be posted with the following:

  • and in some instances, “AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ONLY.” 

Postings must be readily visible at the entrance to the area.  The posting must be at all doors, portals or other defined entryways into the restricted area for easy visibility, access control, and security of the radioactive material.  Control and Security of the radioactive materials must be maintained at all times. 



Posting, other than one of the walls, must be approved as a specific modification to the authorization by the RSC.

The “CAUTION RADIOACTIVE MATERIALS” posting may not be required for all areas based on the activities allowed in the room.  Contact your assigned HP to learn more about these exceptions. 

Areas where radioactive materials are used for infrequent short periods of time (<8 hours), where constant line-of-sight control and/or lockable security is maintained, and where the area will have a documented survey confirming that no radioactive material remains in quantities greater than those allowed for unrestricted areas at the conclusion of the use, do not require posting.  These areas are known as Transient Use areas.



Each container of radioactive material must bear a durable, clearly visible label bearing the radiation symbol and the words “CAUTION RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL”.

The label must also provide sufficient information to permit individuals handling or using the containers, or working in the vicinity to take precautions to avoid or minimize exposure.  Information to include should be:

  • The radionuclide(s) present,
  • An estimate of the quantity of radioactivity,
  • The date for which the activity is estimated,
  • Radiation levels,
  • Kinds of materials, and
  • Mass enrichment.

Prior to removal or disposal of empty uncontaminated containers to unrestricted areas, the radioactive material label must be removed or defaced to clearly indicate that the container no longer contains radioactive materials. These labels should always be disposed of as radioactive, never placed in the regular trash.



The following are exceptions that do not require labeling:

  • Containers holding radioactive material in quantities less than the values listed in
    10 CFR 20 Appendix C.
  • Containers holding radioactive material in concentrations less than the values listed in
    10 CFR 20 Appendix B Table 3.
  • Containers attended by an individual who takes the proper radiation safety precautions.
  • Containers when they are in transport and packaged and labeled according to Department of
    Transportation regulations.
  • Containers that are accessible only to authorized individuals if the contents are identified to these individuals by a readily available written record. The record must be kept as long as the containers are in use for the purpose indicated on the record.



See the Isotope Data Sheets on the RSS' Webpage or the NRC webpage, for this and more information on these and other isotopes.  Contact your assigned HP for information concerning labeling and posting requirements for other authorized isotopes.



Sealed sources are a special program within MU’s RSP.  These sources are permanently encapsulated in a solid form with an inert covering, so as to preclude their leakage and/or dispersal to the environment under normal circumstances.  Sealed sources also include foils, where the radioactive material is permanently bound to a metal substrate.  These sources are used for the radiation they emit, rather than for the radioactive material itself.



MU’s NRC License requires these sources to be leak tested at prescribed intervals.  The license also requires that all locations of storage and use must be approved by the RSC. 

Inventory, radiation level measurements, and leak tests are performed, and documented by the RSS during quarterly inspections.  This inventory meets the requirement for the authorization's Quarterly Report.  AU’s are responsible for assuring that the sources remain secure and that their use is controlled.  The source(s), apparatus, or inventory/use log may be required to have a documented monthly review/inventory to assure control. Radiation dose measurements may or may not be required for the monthly documented review, depending on the nature and use of the source(s).  The monthly requirements for user documentation will be issued as a specific authorization condition. 



Sealed source storage containers, cabinets, exposure devices, equipment containing sealed sources and, if appropriate, transport containers must be posted with “CAUTION RADIOACTIVE MATERIALS”. 

Posting of a room entrance or area is not required when the radiation level at 30 centimeters from the source container or housing does not exceed 5 mrem/hr [10 CFR 20.1903 (c)].  Most rooms or areas in which sealed sources are stored at MU do not require posting. 

Rooms or areas where the dose rate at 30 centimeters exceeds 5 mrem/hr must be posted at the entrance with “CAUTION RADIOACTIVE MATERIALS” and with “RESTRICTED AREA” signs.  However, by definition, the radioactive material is not in an "un-contained" form, therefore, there is no requirement for the “NO EATING, DRINKING OR SMOKING” posting.  Additionally the NRC Form 3 and Radiation Emergency Procedures are required to be posted in the storage, or use room.



Emergency and DOT transport procedures are required to be with the source transport packaging and manifest during field operations.  Direct RW supervision must be maintained during all field operations when the source is not secured under lock and key.


Page last updated on June 7, 2019.